- Step 1: Create a module folder for Magento 2 modules
- Step 2: Declare the module by module.xml
- Step 3: Register the module by registration.php
- Step 4: Install Setup, Enable the module
- Step 5: Create a route for the module
- Step 6: Create controller and action
Create a Module has some changes in Magento 2. Create a Magento 2 Module now have a bit different from Magento 1. And of course, you must learn about it.
Step 1: Create a module folder for Magento 2 Modules
We use module vendor Magezend and module name is HelloWorld. So we need to create a new folder: app/code/Magezend/HelloWorld
Step 2: Declare the module by module.xml
- We need create a configuration in module etc directory. Magento 2 will use it to recognize the module’s name and module’s version
- app/code/Magezend/HelloWorld/etc/module.xml
- Add this content to declare module name is HelloMangento and version 1.0.0
Step 3: Register the module by registration.php
- This file will be created in magento root folder:
- app/code/Magezend/HelloWorld/registration.php
- Add this content to registered the module:
Step 4: Install Setup, Enable the module
After create all files of above steps. We can install the module through command line. Please open your terminal and use these commands:
Additionally, we can use some commands to view disabled module list, enable or disable a module:
- View disabled modules:
- php bin/magento module:status
- Enable module:
- PHP bin/magento module:enable Magezend_HelloWorld
- Disable module:
- PHP bin/magento module:disable Magezend_HelloWorld
- Note: If you use xampp in ubuntu, please type the correct directory for using php command. Example:
/opt/lampp/bin/php bin/magento module:disable Magezend_HelloWorld
Step 5: Create a route for the module
- Both of Magento 1 and Mmagento 2 use this format url:
- http://<magento_url>.com/<router_name>/<controller_name>/<action_name>
Example: http://<magento_url>.com/customer/account/create
- http://<magento_url>.com/<router_name>/<controller_name>/<action_name>
- So we need init router name for the module before creating any controllers and actions in the future.
- Create a routers.xml file:
- app/code/Magezend/HelloWorld/etc/frontend/routes.xml
- Add this content:
Step 6: Create controller and action
- In the last step, we will create url for displaying in your browser: “Hello Magento 2. We will change the world”.
- Create an action file:
- app/code/Magezend/HelloWorld/Controller/Index/Index.php
- Add the content:
Open your browser, enter this link: http://<magento_url>/helloworld/index/index and look at the result:
These are all steps to create a new module in Magento 2. Hope all you guys can learn Mmagento 2 more easily with our series lesson. In next topic, we will show you how to create a view, block, template in Magento 2.
The 6 steps I mentioned above is the shortest process for you to Create a Magento 2 module. With this guide, you can manage the Module in Magento 2 easily. Every store has a Module in Magento 2 with many attributes.
Thank you for reading this post.